Facts You Should Check Before Settling in the UK With Your Family
Settling in the United Kingdom can be anyone’s dream. One of the most powerful monarchies of the past days, the UK still has that old world charm, a lovely set of accents and a rich history of industrial revolution.
All these can be very enticing for anyone to visit the country, but to settle there is another thing. If you don’t want to get negatively surprised with your reality check, our advice will be to read this now and do your own research as early as possible. Whether it is immigration services in the UK or immigration services in Dubai, you need to be aware of all the immigration laws to start your application. This will help you to plan accordingly.
1. Unpredictable Weather
The weather of the UK is totally unpredictable. It stays mostly gloomy with occasional heatwave and frequent downpour. u have to stay there for quite some time to get used to this weather mayhem.
2. Public healthcare is Free
The UK government set up the NS National ealthcare Service in 1948, which made healthcare accessible for everyone. Although most of the services are free, some prescription medication and specialist care are to be taken care of by yourself. So, you should always take an affordable private medical cover.
3. Fantastic Work-life Balance
The public holidays are different from your country and they are few. But to make up for those missed holidays, you are given enough paid time off, so that your private life does not suffer.
4. You still need to file US taxes
Despite your work being in the UK, if you are an US citizen , you will need to file US taxes. owever, there are certain laws in place to avoid double taxation.
5. Same language
Everyone thinks the accent will be very heavy, but in reality it is not so. The more north in the UK you go, the heavier the accent will be. Te southerners have very little to no accent.
6. Immigration Laws and Rules
The immigration laws and rules have been changed since Brexit. Do follow up with UK visas and immigration services to stay updated about all the laws. During your UK visa application, get help from any reputed immigration lawyer so that you don’t face any problem while you try to immigrate with your family.
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