If you need any legal advice regarding Police seizure of property, please call us on our 24×7 Emergency helpline number: 07737996126 -or- 07940234801 for our specialist solicitors
Whenever captured and additionally subject to a police examination, you may have property seized from you which is then held by the police for your benefit. At the point when the Police examine criminal offences, they have far-reaching forces to seize property they accept is applicable to the examination. This is mainly done in accordance with s.19 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE 84).
General power of seizure
The powers presented by subsections (2), (3) and (4) beneath are exercisable by a constable who is legitimately on any premises.
The constable may seize anything which is on the premises on the off chance that he has sensible reason for accepting—
1. That it has been acquired in result of the commission of an offence; and
2. That it is important to seize it keeping in mind the end goal to avert it being disguised, lost, harmed, modified or pulverized.
The constable may seize anything which is on the premises on the off chance that he has sensible reason for accepting—
1. That it is confirmation in connection with an offence which he is exploring or whatever other offence; and
2. that it is important to seize it keeping in mind the end goal to keep the confirmation being covered, lost, modified or devastated.
In basic terms, if the Officer trusts that something is significant to the examination then he will most likely seize it. On the off chance that you are accused of an offence a choice will then be made with respect to whether that thing turns into a “Utilized” show or an “unused” display. In the event that it is “utilized” then it implies the Prosecution will depend on it at trial for your situation. In the event that “unused” then the Prosecution are not depending on it as confirmation of the situation.
In the event that the officer feels that a thing of the property is pertinent to the examination, then he will seize it. Recovering this property, either while you are in authority or once the procedures that identify with why the property was appropriated have occurred, can be troublesome.
On the off chance that your property is reallocated it is normally held at the holding/capturing police headquarters until the matter has been managed. Once the officer accountable for the case considers your property does not require any more, an officer ought to advise you that your property is prepared for accumulation.